NOV 5 & 6 2025

GRB Convention Center

ECA Symposium

We’re proud to host the Earthquake Country Alliance at this year’s Disasters Expo USA. They will be hosting a day-long symposium commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake, featuring stories of Quake Heroes with lessons for today about earthquake and tsunami preparedness.


A special Earthquake Country Alliance Symposium

Join the ECA for an all-day symposium on September 5 (11am-3:45pm)f

ECA Events

The Earthquake Country Alliance is known for hosting and organizing two of the state’s most pivotal disaster awareness events.

Great California ShakeOut: This annual stateside drill has become one of California’s leading promotions for earthquake preparedness.

Tsunami Preparedness Week: Throughout this week the ECA shares insights and information to increase understanding of Tsunami hazards.

General Activities: The ECA’s various committees host workshops, engage with local events, and communicate with various groups to develop and share educational materials.

With this impressive yearly schedule of events and activities, we’re so thrilled that the ECA has chosen Disasters Expo USA as a platform to share its message.

See the Symposium Program below:

  • Thursday

    ECA Symposium

    Dr. Ken Hudnut: Speaking in the ECA Symposium

    11.00 - 11.45

    Dr. Ken Hudnut
    Southern California Edison (formerly with USGS Pasadena)

    The Science of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake and Innovation Since

    Samuel Mengelkoch & Dave Norman: Speaking in the ECA Symposium

    12.00 - 12.45

    Samuel Mengelkoch & Dave Norman
    Structural Focus & California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services

    Building Damage Caused by the Northridge Quake and Resulting Design Improvements

    Mark Benthien: Speaking in the ECA Symposium

    13.00 - 13.45

    Mark Benthien
    Earthquake Country Alliance

    Quake Heroes of Northridge & the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety

    Margaret Vinci: Speaking in the ECA Symposium

    14.00 - 14.45

    Symposium Presenters: Speaking in the ECA Symposium

    15.00 - 15.45